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Lakshman Sivasubramanian - Dimagi

Lakshman is leading the partnership and business development for Dimagi in its India Division. Currently based at Mumbai, he will oversee all partner relationships in India and Asian region. Lakshman Joined Dimagi in March 2022 and is working with social sector institutions and development partners towards co-creating technological solutions that can help deliver quality service and thereby creating sustainable outcomes. 

Prior to this, Lakshman was with Tata Trusts for 6 years and was responsible for the establishment of their Nutrition Portfolio. During the Tenure with Nutrition, the focus area of intervention was on driving staple food fortification and creating pilots for adoption and scale-up by the Government in the social safety programs. Prior to moving to the social sector, Lakshman has worked for over 15 years in the corporate sector with GE and  Reliance Industries.

Lakshman  is a Mathematics Honors Graduate and holds a MBA degree in Marketing from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Puttaparathy,  Andhra Pradesh, India . He also has a Certification in Business Analytics. 



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