Listen to the High-Impact Growth podcast : Candid conversations about technology for humanity


Digital Solutions for Frontline Work | Dimagi

Leading digital solutions for frontline work

When you need to do more with less, your digital tools need to step up.

Say goodbye to technology that makes jobs harder, and hello to Impact Delivery.

Frontline workers holding up their smartphones with CommCare application


The Digital Platform for Impactful Frontline Work Everywhere

The most advanced and inclusive data collection, service delivery and case management
software also happens to be the easiest to implement and scale.

Your Partner for Custom Digital Solutions

Our experienced Solutions Delivery team supports all aspects of program deployment, from application design and rollout to end-user training and partner capacity building.

Leverage Our Experience

20 years of experience supporting more than 3000 projects

Get Help at Any Stage

A range of services from app design to user training and analytics

Design for the User

An agile, user-centered design methodology to maximize impact

Build for the Future

Sustainable systems to support future growth

Video-Supported Care Made Simple

Provide treatment support for infectious disease and behavioral health while enhancing patient experience and ensuring medication adherence with our virtual care platform.

Driven by a commitment to impact

More than a tech company, we are an impact-first team of compassionate people, from all parts of the world and all walks of life, dedicated to using our skills and experience to help others thrive.


Healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture. We build working digital solutions for frontline work addressing real world needs.

High-Impact Growth Podcast

Candid conversations with leaders across global health and development about raising the bar on what’s possible with technology and human creativity.

AI to Improve Equity

Easily build and test LLM-based chatbots for the most important, equity-advancing use cases with Open Chat Studio. 

Mobile Device Management

Learn more about Focus MDM, our very own mobile device management tool that lets you measure workforce activity and data use.

How can digital solutions transform your social impact organization?