As a social entrepreneur and infectious disease epidemiologist, Kelly’s career mission has been to support the implementation and scale of evidence-based, high-impact digital health interventions globally. Kelly is the former CEO and Co-Founder of SureAdhere Mobile Technology, which was acquired by Dimagi in February 2022. Kelly’s 12+ years of experience evaluating digital adherence interventions across 5 continents and 25 countries has resulted in 29 publications, 9 of which she co-authored as an independent researcher prior to the incorporation of SureAdhere. Additionally, as a testament to Kelly’s commitment to building a strong evidence base for digital health interventions which affect global policy decisions, Kelly led SureAdhere while the company supported the implementation of two randomized controlled trials evaluating video observed therapy for TB treatment adherence published in the Lancet and JAMA Open – studies which informed WHO treatment guidelines for TB in 2017 and 2022.

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