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Terre des hommes – COVID-19 Case Screening - Dimagi

In 2020, Dimagi collaborated with Terre des hommes in Jharkhand, India to support 80 healthcare workers in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing a screening and triage app and a healthcare worker (HCW) training and monitoring chatbot.

Leveraging the learnings from the India deployment, Tdh will be partnering with Dimagi to replicate and expand the components for infection prevention and control in Nepal. Dimagi will adapt existing template applications for screening and triaging COVID-19 cases (based on the WHO FFX Protocol template application) and training of health workers (based on our healthcare provider training and monitoring template application).

The apps will provide much-needed support to the healthcare workers at six target hospitals to deliver quality services and help digitize existing paper-based workflows for COVID-19 screening and triage. The solution will act as a tool to disseminate standard training and educational information for health workers thereby reducing reliance on current training channels like Facebook and other social media platforms.



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A comprehensive virtual care platform designed to enable remote treatment support through digital engagement tools.