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Building in the Open – September 2021

Building in the Open – September 2021

As we kick off the start of Q4, I am excited to report that our sales pipeline is starting to see an upwards trend after months of iterating, and sometimes failing, on our sales strategy. We’ve learnt a lot about which outreach methods work well and which work poorly...
Building in the Open – September 2021

Building in the Open – June 2021

As we approach the halfway point in 2021, I am excited to report that our sales pipeline is starting to see an upwards trend after weeks of iterating on our sales strategy. We’ve learned a lot about which outreach methods work well and which work poorly in our...
Building in the Open – September 2021

Building in the Open – March 2021

Now that we’re a good two months into 2021, we’re starting to see the sales pipeline for Focus grow, but we’ve haven’t seen the kind of conversion rates I’d expected this year so far.  Although I am glad we haven’t seen a dip in our user base or revenue numbers,...
Building in the Open – September 2021

Building in the Open – February 2021

While I was building my last startup, KleverKid, in Delhi around 2014, I would often write publicly and with brutal honesty about my trials and tribulations building the company. It hit a nerve, and soon after I shut down my company, HarperCollins offered me a book...