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2024 Year-In-Review: Scaling Digital Solutions for Global Impact - Dimagi

As we step into 2025, the world of global health and development faces an increasingly uncertain and complex landscape. We don’t know what new challenges 2025 will bring us, but we are clear that the need for essential services continues to grow and funding continues to be squeezed, creating the mandate for technology companies like Dimagi to deliver significantly more value and impact per dollar invested. 

Over the past year, we’ve seen firsthand how digital solutions can expand and transform access to essential services, improving health outcomes for communities worldwide. Together with our partners, we have advanced our shared mission of building and scaling sustainable, high-impact digital solutions that amplify frontline work. Here’s a look at some of the key milestones from the past year – ranging from growing use of CommCare and SureAdhere, advancing national-scale government partnerships, and growth in our newest innovation offerings – Open Chat Studio and CommCare Connect.

CommCare, Dimagi’s unified data collection & program delivery platform, enabled 173,638 users. These users range from Frontline Staff to M&E and Program leads across programs spanning the globe and social impact sectors. 

7,338 new project spaces were created in CommCare, showcasing its continued growth as the trusted platform for quickly building secure applications to power frontline work.

We partnered with nine governments across Africa committed to leveraging the power of CommCare to digitally transform service delivery across their countries. Supporting these partnerships, we hosted our inaugural CommCare Government Summit, bringing together 64 leaders from 11 countries.

SureAdhere, Dimagi’s digital adherence and patient support platform, processed its 800,000th video, enabling patients on complex treatment regimens to regain freedom and control, while saving public health resources.

50 partners have joined Open Chat Studio, Dimagi’s new open-source, LLM-based platform designed to advance the use of AI in global digital development.

CommCare Connect enables Frontline Workers to opt in to additional work and get paid for it. Through this model, 101,734 health services were delivered, including Vitamin A, deworming to children under 5 and childhood development counselling to caregivers.

Dimagi’s work in Colorado successfully reduced patient wait times for critical Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) services from days to under five minutes and enabled the admission of over 17,000 clients in the past year.

The challenges ahead require not just innovative digital solutions, but also strong partnerships and a deep commitment to understanding the needs of people and the frontline staff delivering services. We stand with our partners and, through our Impact Delivery approach, we are more dedicated than ever to supporting you to deliver meaningful results today while building a foundation for tomorrow.



Build secure, customizable apps, enabling your frontline teams to collect actionable data and amplify your organization’s impact.

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A comprehensive virtual care platform designed to enable remote treatment support through digital engagement tools.