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Terre des hommes – COVID-19 Support in Jharkhand - Dimagi

Over the last year, Terre des hommes, Dimagi, and partners, in collaboration with Taiwan ICDF, worked in Jharkhand, India to deploy COVID-19 digital apps to strengthen the program’s responsiveness to the COVID-19 pandemic. This included a triage and screening application used by intake personnel for all patients coming to the primary health centers (PHCs), as well as a digital in-service conversational agent for health workers.

Encouraged by the success of this project in Jharkhand, this project is an extension to double the scale of the program from 80 to 160 healthcare workers with additional workflows to the existing application.

These applications will provide much-needed support to the healthcare workers at the target PHCs in delivering quality services and complying with Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) standards of MoHFW to respond to the continued spread of COVID-19.



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