The Facility Readiness template application was developed by Dimagi as a direct response to the needs we noted at the facility level to manage their preparedness for COVID-19.

This application has been designed for facility supervisors to establish protocols for small to medium-sized facilities and assess their readiness for providing care to patients suspected or infected with COVID-19.
Facilities will be able to use the application for the duration of the fight against COVID-19, from planning and readiness assessments before the first cases to resource requests and readiness re-assessments once the facility begins to treat suspected and confirmed cases.
In addition, users can track critical facility supplies, monitor the number of days of stock remaining, and receive notifications once a stock item has dropped below a set threshold.
How The App Works
The user begins by registering their facility in the application. Here, they capture basic information regarding the facility, including its name, type, and location. Once the facility has been registered, the user is able to access forms that capture the facility readiness and begin stock tracking.
The facility readiness and planning form guides the user through a comprehensive checklist that covers all critical areas of facility readiness for COVID-19, such as human resources and isolation preparedness. As the user enters information, the application calculates a score for all the sections covered in the in the checklist. Users can periodically repeat these checklists to allow the managing or supervisory organisation to monitor the changes in the facility scores and address any areas that may need improvement or additional training.
Prior to using the stock tracking component of the application, the user must first complete a full inventory log of all critical stock. This form should be completed on a daily or weekly basis to maintain accurate stock tracking. The application will then automatically calculate the usage rate of stock items, providing the user with the number of days of remaining stock at the current usage rate and a notification when stock levels drop below a user-allocated threshold. Using this information, the user is able to either request additional stock that is needed or notify that there is a large oversupply of stock so that it can be reallocated to other facilities if needed.
This demo video summarizes the core workflows of the facility readiness application, including facility registration, stock tracking, and reporting of over- or under-supply.
How to Use the Template App
For more information on the Facility Readiness template application, including how to download it into your own project space, click here.
All template applications are available for download from the COVID-19 CommCare Template App Library. In order to access the library, you must be logged into a CommCare account. Once you are logged into CommCare and have navigated to the COVID-19 app library, import the template app to your own project space by clicking the ‘Import’ button.
If you are just getting started with CommCare, you can learn more about importing an app and the key steps to deploying your template app here.
If you have any questions about how Dimagi can support the implementation of a custom application, please contact us at